I haven’t been blogging for awhile but I will be doing so again.
I am taking a TV writing class taught by a professional TV writer, and I will end up with a pilot script by the end of it. It’s loosely based on my first screenplay which I had put aside as needing more thought and improvement. I suddenly realized that a TV series format could be perfect for the content of the first half of my feature. Stay tuned for more on that. So far I’m thrilled with the response to my work in the class. Of course it’s “impossible” to sell a pilot but one has to try.
Some of the many topics I have thought of blogging about are the Presidential candidates for USA Election 2008 (So far I don’t see any better candidates running or likely to run than Rudy Giuliani, despite his shortcomings–he understands and knows the facts of history, and I believe he would implement a foreign policy of self-defense; he firmly stood up against Arafat and a Saudi royal in his mayoral career–and I think it’s important that he gets early and consistent support so he has a chance to win), the Broadway show Mary Poppins (I would give it a mixed review; the storyline makes less sense compared to the movie, Mary leaves the household in the middle–that’s not what I came to see–yet Mr. Banks blames her anyway for causing all the trouble, some of the songs have lost their oomph and rhythmic pacing, the orchestra is too small, the wife has become a victim instead of a confident suffragette, and there’s an overall psychotherapy-session feeling, but it has lovely and thrilling moments nonetheless and is very entertaining), and the movie Breach (I liked it–how strange that a man can compartmentalize his knowledge to such an extent, evading the results of his misdeeds, disconnecting his religious beliefs from his actions, etc. Great acting by Chris Cooper, and adequate acting by Ryan Phillippe. The book on Robert Hanssen surveyed his entire career but the film just portrays its last days, an effective choice).
Well, I guess I don’t have to blog on those topics any more. But feel free to reply with comments and I’ll clarify anything too sketchy above.
Meanwhile, I have to get my tax materials to my accountant before he gets overburdened by last-minute submissions, and I am trying to get a lot of computer-related technical stuff done (I always procrastinate on that, I’m just not a computer-oriented person although I am glad they were invented).
A Tom Waits Classic: "Tom Traubert's Blues" (Live 2025)
Tom Waits performs "Tom Traubert's Blues" for Italian television, as part
of the documentary Ultima Fermata, broadcast in February 2025.
7 hours ago