An acqaintance of mine informed me about these images from an Islamist protest rally in London. These images apparently have been around for awhile but I had not seen them until now, because they were not publicized in American media at all. The signs state, for example, “Be prepared for the REAL Holocaust!” and “Freedom, go to hell!”
Snopes confirms the photos are not altered.
If it weren’t such an important issue, it would be laughable that the U.S. media refuses to publicize these messages from Islamist protest rallies (so as not to offend with the truth?), and that the Israeli and U.S. governments still haven’t obliterated the terrorist-supporting anti-Western leaders in Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia and their weapons and armies, and their progeny like Hezbollah and Hamas. What more motivation and justification do they need, after the many “we will attack and destroy you” comments of Iran’s President and other Islamic leaders. It’s especially horrible that Israel quit their self-defense war against Hezbollah too soon, simply handing the enemy a “win”. I suspect the United States pressured them, and I know Europe did, for “diplomatic” reasons.
See these links for more:
Mushroom Cloud on the Way
Islamic Leader Hails Chechen Attack
Iran’s President’s comments.
Iran says wipe Isreal off the map.
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