See my previous blog posting of February 7, 2008 called "Show No Mercy to Islamic Fundamentalists."
Bruce Cockburn Solo: "If I Had a Rocket Launcher"
In 1984, Bruce Cockburn scored an unlikely pop hit with “If I Had a Rocket
Launcher,” which describes the Canadian singer-songwriter’s fantasies of
9 hours ago
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A person on who calls himself sandybeaches1234 (see his channel at and from whom I obtained the video/audio above, has written me further about the topic.
He wrote, “After living in Israel and a muslim country, then moving to west, it gave me a thought, how terrorism was moving after me.
In Israel life is tough, but Israeli people are fighting, they don’t give up so easily.
In muslim countries, people are so evil, even little children chant to death of people they never met. This is so shocking and disgusting. These people have no future.
In the west, people are spoiled and lazy. They forgot their true values. Last hope for civilization is America (USA) - as always was. If they give up, we are all fucked up.”
He wrote to me about additional atrocities: “In the interviews with Brigitte Gabriel, she also described several times how a woman became crazy because muslims forced her to kill her baby on her lap (in Lebanon)… All reports show that moslims have no mercy whatsoever.”
He wrote to me of another atrocity which I won’t even repeat. After a certain point, horror freezes all thinking.
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