Thursday, January 08, 2009

Leon Trager

I learned from Nicholas Provenzo's blog Rule of Reason that Leon Trager has passed away.

I met Leon and his son Noah, who was still in high school, at the Objectivism '92 Conference in Williamsburg, VA. Leon was full of positive energy and joy and was exactly the way I hoped I would be in my later years. He was encouraging to me. I said I was working on a writing project for a long time, perhaps too long, but I still thought it needed more work before submitting it to the marketplace. He said, "If you're not ready, you're not ready. When you're ready you will do it."

I had videotaped his son singing, with another attendee, comedic songs by Monty Python. Leon beamed at his son singing in public, as Leon said Noah was normally on the reserved or shy side. Leon asked me for a copy of the videotape but, alas, I didn't have a working second VCR so I regret that I did not dub it for him. (My mother was fighting cancer that year and the next which put the video on the back burner).

Another fact about him: Leon Trager decided that the US Holocaust Memorial Museum ought to carry Leonard Peikoff's book "The Ominous Parallels" so he single-handedly convinced them to carry it.

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